Please help us to get Joshua and Michael the medical care , treatment, therapy, and supplies that they need to live life to its fullest.

Donations Can Be Mailed To:

The Joshua Garman Special Needs Trust

c/o J. Robert Steelman
1117 Lambert Drive
Westampton, NJ 08060
For Further information:

Frank Garman

Frank Garman
June 26,1934-November 15, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hi everyone,

This weekend was pretty much a wash out. We did get some help from the boys old ped, Ken, who came with his son, Rhys, and dug out some stumps. Hugh and my exhusband took down the tree in the back. Jack finally got me an initial game plan this week and it looks great!!! There is a lot of work to be done and we hope to have a list of projects and break down of supplies that we will need shortly. Even without that, we still have tons of things that need to be done. Over the next few weeks we will have work parties on Sat and Sun from 9am-5pm If you can stop by to help please let me know. This week we have to get to working on the fence and working on preping the spot for Joshua's play house. Make a Wish said that it will be done much earlier then anticipated and will be here in the next two to three weeks.

I am looking for someone who does electrical work outdoors. We need to run a line to where the house is sice it will come with electrical wiring in it so that we can put an air conditioner in it for Joshua. He gets overheated quickly during hot days so we figured this was a great way to give him the freedome to be outdoors and still keep him safe medically. We are surely on limited resources so if the person is willing to help out at a reduced rate that would be wonderful, we will provide all supplies needed. There is enough ampage since our house was recently upgraded, it is just getting the line ran. Please feel free to get a hold of us to discuss this further if you know someone.
We are also in need of someone who is good at carpentry once the house is in. It is coming with the electrical finished but no walls will be in place and we need to do this on our own. Make a Wish does not do that sort of thing. Hugh has some experience with this but is better at following directions when it comes to this sort of thing rather then heading a project like this.
There will eventually be a need for shrubbery, perennials, pond supplies, mulch, playground mulch, and patio bricks. If you have contacts in any of these areas please let me know also.

The more help we can get the better! Once we are done with the fence and playhouse space we will be putting together a playset. Other projects will follow such as planting and brick laying. I will keep updates on Joshua's web pages so please keep checking it to see progress. I will try and take pictures as the job progresses and post them also. We are quite excited and cannot wait to see the boys faces!!! Thank you in advance for all your help!!!

Nikki and Hugh

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